Thursday 28 November 2013

The end

    Hello folks! Thanks for staying with me the whole time. Unfortunately (fortunately for me ) this is the last post ! Today I will be talking about how you, yup, you, can do something to help bonobos.

   1, Tell your friends. Do you remember when you ripped your pants? And how people still remember it till now? That's the power of gossip! If  everyone does the same thing with bonobos, the whole world would know in a day, that bonobos are near extinction.

2,  Donate! You can go to this link, and donate! Your donation would help the sanctuary a lot, and for a bonus, you get a bonobo plush doll!
3, Buy Jungle friendly products that do not require cutting down the trees of the Congo Basin, and you can reduce deforestation.

     None of the above seems to hard, right? Which is exactly why you should start doing it now.  Tthe death of a bonobo could result in a person turning it into bush meat, and if that person chokes on the bush meat, he might just turn into a zombie. If he turns into a zombie, he'll spread the zombie apocalypse all over the world. So a death of a bonobo might just DESTROY MANKIND!!! What are you waiting for?

    Well, this moment has come. The end of my season. The end of all those excitment through the past weeks. (the end of my homework assignment! yes!) Guess I'll never see you awesome audiences anymore. Thank you for the 100 views. I'm Yale Wang, bye bye! ©2013 Yale Wang

Sunday 24 November 2013

the visit to the sanctuary

       After all that introducing, we can finally get to the point where I get to visit the only bonobo sanctuary in the world. It is called "Lola Ya Bonobo", which means paradise for bonobos.

 As always, before the good stuff, there is always the introduction. Lola Ya Bonobo is founded by a woman named Claudine.So she saw this bonobo at the zoo, and everyone told her that the bonobo wouldn't survive. And it did, because she helped the bonobo. When there's one, there's more, and, gradually, she couldn't keep up with only one person, and started a bonobo sanctuary in 1993.
     Now, here's some bad news! The runway at the Kinshasa Airport was bombed, so I can't get there!! Guess I'll have to visit their website instead.
    According to the website, the sanctuary was built because they wanted to educate locals about bonobos. Because by doing that, we coulds prevent all those bush meat hunting, and also stop deforestation.
    Well folks, that's the end of this update. Remember, next time will be the season finale, so be sure not to miss it! Bye bye ! ©2013 Yale Wang

Sunday 17 November 2013

Bonobos are Endangered!!! Gasp!

         It was a dark and stormy night...
         A boy, sitting in his room, was typing away furiously at the computer. What is on his computer, is what you are seeing now. It is a blog about bonobos. 
         I know, that was disappointing!!! But what do you expect?The title of this blog, after all,  is "Protecting Bonobos” ! But anyway, today, I'm going to talk about why bonobos are endangered. Maybe you already know, because you read my last blog. If you don't know, well, read my last blog. But any ways, if you want to learn more, keep on reading. 

The Congo basin is 300,000 square miles (777,000 square kilometres) in size. Which means there are LOTS of trees. Just think of things you could do with trees.You can make telephone books, food labels, benches, toilet paper( imagine a world without that ), ping-pong balls, milk cartons, movie tickets, pencils, etc. Which is why the Congo basin loses 65600 hectares of rainforest every year. The Congo basin is the bonobos' only habitat, and as a result bonobos are decreasing too, and they're becoming more and more hard to find.

2, Bush meat trade:

    I know, the photo above is steak. But bush meat photos are so gruesome that I rated them "G". Bush meat, means well, meat from bushes, or meat from wild animals. Bush meat trade is made popular for quite a few reason. People buy bush meat because it's cheaper than pork, beef, or chicken. On the contrary, rich people eat bush meat because they think it is a sign of status. You get the point. Rich people eat them. Poor people eat them. Who doesn't eat them?

   3,Conflict in Congo
   It's the biggest and baddest reason of all, guys. It's conflict in Congo. As you all know, (or some of you don't) Congo does not offer you 5 star hotels and Disneyland, but instead, you get rifles pointed at you because think you're the enemy. The biggest conflict that happened after WWII was there, and you do not want to go there. But the bonobos live there. And what choice do they have? So while RPGs destroy guerrilla forces, they kill bonobos too. And bonobos look like humans, so some people go like:
"What's that?'
"It's the enemy! *Gasp*"
"Dude! You have a gun! Don't just stand there! Shoot!"
(POW) ( 1 guy goes up and investigates.)
" It's only a monkey. We freaked out"
Another one of the 50,000 bonobos died.

     Well, if you liked this post, too bad! There's no more. Stay tuned for my next post, guys, which is about me visiting the only bonobo sanctuary in the world.  ©2013, Yale Wang

Sunday 10 November 2013

Introducing...Me, My homework, And Bonobos.

    I'm just a random guy with a very annoying homework assignment on protecting bonobos ( a kind of ape). And to finish this assignment, I will have to do a blog with four entries. This is one of them.
    Bonobos are once called pygmy chimpanzees. If you want to know the fancy latin name, then its Pan paniscus.They share 98.7 percent ailof human DNA, like a chimpanzee. Yet they are very extinct, mainly because they are hunted for meat. Congo's instability means that we can't do anything about it, since if we do, we'll probably get killed by a rebel solider passing by. It kind of says something about Congo.

   Now, this part is very awkward to me, and to all other immature people, so beware, cause here it comes! Bonobos have lots of sex. But having sex actually plays a really big part in bonobo life. Sex helps keep bonobos peaceful, because whenever two bonobos want to fight, a female jumps in and calms them down by having sex with them. You could use one sentence to conclude the way bonobos live: Make love, not war. For humans and chimpanzees, it is the complete opposite which is very unfortunate.

   Well, since bonobos are such amazing creatures, it would be really nice if you could just find bonobos in a zoo. Also, that will make our work a lot more easier. Sadly though, bonobos are exclusive to the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . They are very endangered! There are only 5,000-50,000 bonobos left in this world!  If you are curious enough too find out why, then check out my next post : It's just above this one. That will conclude the first update of Protecting bonobos. Thanks for reading. ©2013, Yale Wang