Sunday 10 November 2013

Introducing...Me, My homework, And Bonobos.

    I'm just a random guy with a very annoying homework assignment on protecting bonobos ( a kind of ape). And to finish this assignment, I will have to do a blog with four entries. This is one of them.
    Bonobos are once called pygmy chimpanzees. If you want to know the fancy latin name, then its Pan paniscus.They share 98.7 percent ailof human DNA, like a chimpanzee. Yet they are very extinct, mainly because they are hunted for meat. Congo's instability means that we can't do anything about it, since if we do, we'll probably get killed by a rebel solider passing by. It kind of says something about Congo.

   Now, this part is very awkward to me, and to all other immature people, so beware, cause here it comes! Bonobos have lots of sex. But having sex actually plays a really big part in bonobo life. Sex helps keep bonobos peaceful, because whenever two bonobos want to fight, a female jumps in and calms them down by having sex with them. You could use one sentence to conclude the way bonobos live: Make love, not war. For humans and chimpanzees, it is the complete opposite which is very unfortunate.

   Well, since bonobos are such amazing creatures, it would be really nice if you could just find bonobos in a zoo. Also, that will make our work a lot more easier. Sadly though, bonobos are exclusive to the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . They are very endangered! There are only 5,000-50,000 bonobos left in this world!  If you are curious enough too find out why, then check out my next post : It's just above this one. That will conclude the first update of Protecting bonobos. Thanks for reading. ©2013, Yale Wang

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