Thursday 28 November 2013

The end

    Hello folks! Thanks for staying with me the whole time. Unfortunately (fortunately for me ) this is the last post ! Today I will be talking about how you, yup, you, can do something to help bonobos.

   1, Tell your friends. Do you remember when you ripped your pants? And how people still remember it till now? That's the power of gossip! If  everyone does the same thing with bonobos, the whole world would know in a day, that bonobos are near extinction.

2,  Donate! You can go to this link, and donate! Your donation would help the sanctuary a lot, and for a bonus, you get a bonobo plush doll!
3, Buy Jungle friendly products that do not require cutting down the trees of the Congo Basin, and you can reduce deforestation.

     None of the above seems to hard, right? Which is exactly why you should start doing it now.  Tthe death of a bonobo could result in a person turning it into bush meat, and if that person chokes on the bush meat, he might just turn into a zombie. If he turns into a zombie, he'll spread the zombie apocalypse all over the world. So a death of a bonobo might just DESTROY MANKIND!!! What are you waiting for?

    Well, this moment has come. The end of my season. The end of all those excitment through the past weeks. (the end of my homework assignment! yes!) Guess I'll never see you awesome audiences anymore. Thank you for the 100 views. I'm Yale Wang, bye bye! ©2013 Yale Wang

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